You are here: 2. General Ledger > 2.2. Setting up and Configuring MGL > 2.2.2. Setting up Micronet Integration > Configuring MDS Integration > MDS Integration Procedure
MDS Integration Procedure

To setup MDS integration:

  1. Complete the Config GL Interface (Distribution) screen, including setting up the required dissection categories.

This is the primary means of integration.

Refer to "Edit - General Ledger Config - Distribution Interface".

  1. If you set the Interface to GL field to Yes on the Config GL Interface (Distribution) screen, in MDS setup the GL interface records for each dissection category.

You setup GL interface records using the GL Interface master file in MDS. This file contains a GL Interface record (integration table) for each supplier in the Supplier master file.

The GL interface records are a secondary means of integration, after the dissections on the Config GL Interface (Distribution) screen.

Refer to "File - GL Interface".

  1. If the Micronet Import Costing module is active, enter the General Ledger interface codes required for the import costing charges to be posted to the General Ledger.

First you need to setup your Import Costing charges. Refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Import Costing".

Next setup a GL interface record for each Import Costing charge you defined - refer to "Setting up GL Interface Records for Import Costing".